T Alun Jones & Son

T Alun Jones is a well-established and reputable New Holland dealer based in South Wales. The company has been serving the agricultural community for over 30 years, offering a wide range of new and used agricultural machinery, parts, and servicing.

What was the problem?

T Alun Jones wanted to address security challenges at their primary office, storage facility, and workshop in Carmarthenshire. As the site houses costly farm equipment and machinery, the company sought to address various concerns pertaining to the safety of employees and customers, the potential theft of equipment and inventory, and the requirement for remote monitoring of their facilities.

What did we do?

To address these concerns, the company opted to implement a comprehensive security solution consisting of a 50 CCTV camera system, which covers all critical areas of the facility, including the office building, garage, and stores. Additionally, the system supported recording for up to 31 days and allowed the cameras to be viewed from anywhere remotely and securely.

The installation of the CCTV system has significantly improved the security of T Alun Jones's facilities, enabling the company to detect and respond to potential threats quickly while deterring theft and enhancing employee and customer safety.

In summary, the implementation of the CCTV system has provided T Alun Jones with an efficient and dependable way to safeguard their operations and ensure the safety of their employees and customers.

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Project Details

Client: T Alun Jones & Son

Completed: 2023

Services used: IT Infrastructure Services

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